Prof. Dr. Wolfram Hilz / Dr. Shushanik Minasyan, Institute of Political Science and Sociology, Bonn University, invite to the workshop „Strengthening the Participation of Civil Society in Armenia and Georgia„, October 27-28, 2016, Heussallee 18-24, FIW, Bonn University
The development of participatory democracy as well as the strengthening of the civil society are important objectives of the external policy of the European Union in the near neighbourhood. The intensification of the political dialogue with the Union under the European Neighbourhood Policy has created in post-Soviet space, especially in Armenia and Georgia, an atmosphere in which the emergence of pluralistic forces and the consolidation of active civil society became possible. However, there are still various institutional and organizational barriers that do not allow civil society actors in Armenia and Georgia to become key factors in promoting democracy.
The aim of the workshop is to promote an exchange of views and experiences between civil society stakeholders from Armenia and Georgia as well as some experts from Germany. In the light of defective constitutional practice and restricted inclusion of the civil society in political processes in both countries, we intend to create a space for a dialogue between scientists, NGO representatives, the media as well as parts of the religious community.
The participation is free of charge. Registration via mail is necessary until October 20
Preliminary Agenda
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Strengthening the Participation of Civil Society in Armenia and Georgia
Prof. Dr. Wolfram Hilz / Dr. Shushanik Minasyan, Institute of Political Science and Sociology, Bonn University, invite to the workshop „Strengthening the Participation of Civil Society in Armenia and Georgia„, October 27-28, 2016, Heussallee 18-24, FIW, Bonn University
The development of participatory democracy as well as the strengthening of the civil society are important objectives of the external policy of the European Union in the near neighbourhood. The intensification of the political dialogue with the Union under the European Neighbourhood Policy has created in post-Soviet space, especially in Armenia and Georgia, an atmosphere in which the emergence of pluralistic forces and the consolidation of active civil society became possible. However, there are still various institutional and organizational barriers that do not allow civil society actors in Armenia and Georgia to become key factors in promoting democracy.
The aim of the workshop is to promote an exchange of views and experiences between civil society stakeholders from Armenia and Georgia as well as some experts from Germany. In the light of defective constitutional practice and restricted inclusion of the civil society in political processes in both countries, we intend to create a space for a dialogue between scientists, NGO representatives, the media as well as parts of the religious community.
The participation is free of charge. Registration via mail is necessary until October 20
Preliminary Agenda
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