
Since 1973, the DAG has been publishing the Armenian-German Correspondence (ADK) . The ADK is issued in German once every three months and contains up-to-date reports on all topics of relevance for Armenia and the Armenians, including politics, economics, culture, history, religion, human rights and other subjects as well as book reviews and a list of upcoming events. Membership in the German-Armenian Society (annual fee DM 70) includes a free subscription to the ADK.

The DAG also publishes various books. So far, the following titles, all in German, have been published:

  • 75 Years of the German-Armenian Society,  Mainz 1989,  DM 20.50
  • Phoenix from the Ashes – Armenia 80 Years after the Genocide,  Frankfurt on Main 1996,  DM 22.50
  • Armenia – History and Present in a Difficult Environment,  Frankfurt on Main 1998,  DM 32.50

Members are granted a 25 percent discount on these books.

The DAG provides information to anybody interested in Armenia, such as politicians, journalists, employers or lawyers and courts dealing with asylum proceedings of Armenians. For general information on Armenia, the DAG edits a comprehensive Report on the Situation in Armenia in the German language, which is updated every three months.

Once a year, this report is published as a brochure, available at the cost of DM 12. Members receive the brochure free of charge. The report can also be found on the home page of the DAG on the World Wide Web, at

At this address, the DAG also presents a short introduction of its aims and activities, a list of upcoming events, selected reports from the Armenian-German Correspondence (ADK) and notes on DAG publications. Links allow you to access further information on Armenia, mainly in English.

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