
Amnesty International
The spring that never blossomed – Freedoms suppressed in Azerbaijan
(November 2011)

Amnesty International
The repression games (10.06.2015)

Article 19
Azerbaijan: When the truth becomes a lie (2014)

Democratic Institutions and Human Rights Social Union
Prisoner rights and punishment system in Azerbaijan: Problems,
civic participation and perspectives
(September 2011)

Deutscher Bundestag
Aserbaidschan soll sich an seinen Verpflichtungen im Europarat messen lassen
(10. November 2011)

Deutscher Bundestag
CDU/CSU und SPD: Einhaltung der Menschenrechte in Aserbaidschan einfordern
Drucksache 18/5092 (09. Juni 2015)

Deutscher Bundestag
B’90/Die Grünen: Demokratie, Rechtsstaatlichkeit und Menschenrechte in Aserbaidschan auch bei den Europaspielen 2015 einfordern Drucksache 18/5097  (10. Juni 2015)

Deutscher Bundestag
Plenardebatte zu Drucksache 18/5092 und Drucksache 18/5097 Plenarprotokoll 18/110 (12. Juni 2015)

European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI)
Fifth report on Azerbaijan (07. Juni 2016)

European Parliament
Human rights: Azerbaijan and return of North Korean refugees (24.5.2012)

Forum 18
Alle Berichte

Freedom House
Freedom in the World 2010: Azerbaijan

Freedom House
Freedom in the World 2011: Azerbaijan

Freedom House
Freedom in the World 2012: Azerbaijan

Freedom House
Freedom in the World 2013: Azerbaijan

Human Rights Watch
Impunity for Torture

Human Rights Watch
Crushing Dissent:  Repression, Violence and Azerbaijan’s Elections
(22. Januar 2004)

Human Rights Watch
Beaten, Blacklisted, and Behind Bars: The Vanishing Space for Freedom of
Expression in Azerbaijan
(26. Oktober 2010)

Human Rights Watch
They Took Everything From Me – Forced Evictions, Unlawful Expropriations,
and House Demolitions in Azerbaijan’s Capital
(Februar 2012)

Human Rights Watch
Tightening the Screws – Azerbaijan’s Crackdown on Civil Society and Dissent (September 2013)

Human Rights Watch
HARASSED, IMPRISONED, EXILED Azerbaijan’s Continuing Crackdown on Government Critics, Lawyers,and Civil Society (Oktober 2016)

Human Rights Watch
Weitere Berichte

PACE Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights
The follow-up to the issue of political prisoners in Azerbaijan (26. Juni 2012)

The functioning of democratic institutions in Azerbaijan (23. Juni 2015)

US Department of  State
2009 Human Rights Report: Azerbaijan

US Department of  State
2009 Religious Freedom Report: Azerbaijan

US Department of  State
2010 Human Rights Report: Azerbaijan

US Department of  State
2010 Religious Freedom Report: Azerbaijan

US Department of  State
2011 Human Rights Report: Azerbaijan

US Department of  State
2011 Religious Freedom Report: Azerbaijan

US Department of  State
2012 Human Rights Report: Azerbaijan

US Department of  State
2013 Human Rights Report: Azerbaijan

US Department of  State
2014 Human Rights Report: Azerbaijan

US Department of  State
2015 Human Rights Report: Azerbaijan

US Department of  State
2019 Human Rights Report: Azerbaijan

Internationale Berichterstattung zum Eurovision Song Contest (ESC) 2012 in Baku
Eine Auswahl



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