NerUzh 2.0 Diaspora Startup Program

The Republic of Armenia’s Office of the High Commissioner for Diaspora Affairs and the Ministry of High-Tech Industry present: NerUzh 2.0 Diaspora Startup Program

NerUzh is the Armenian word for potential, and the Neruzh Diaspora Startup Program aims to bring the vast potential of the Armenian Diaspora (7 million strong living outside Armenia in countries across the globe) to participate in the advancement of Armenia by founding their startup in the country.

Diaspora entrepreneurs of Armenian descent are invited to apply with their startup. Winning teams will be invited to repatriate to Armenia and receive grants ranging from $15,000-$30,000 plus entrepreneurial support to grow their ventures in Armenia.

The program launch will take place in Armenia with a 4-day event from December 16th – 20th, 2019 at UWC Dilijan.

For the details of the the 4-day event, the target sectors of the Program, and the Application Procedure visit this website. The Armenian and Russion versions are available there, too.

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